Photography as a hobby and galleries of favourite images.
The Appeal of “Real” Cameras
Photography has been a hobby since I was a teenager. And photography with a “proper” camera is still fun for me even in the age of the smartphone. A proper camera is easy to hold as a camera (unlike a slippery smartphone), has a viewfinder rather than a glare-ridden screen that you can see in bright light, and has an array of properly positioned controls to give you control over your image as its taken.
Getting a prime rather than the kids zoom let you do what you can’t do with a smart phone, genuinely play with depth of field. Lessons learned from the Tonkin trip 850 mill equivalents I can be your single all around lens. If you go for a wide angle like 35 quiz you need to pair it with a normal or a short telephoto. Your creativity comes not in the zooming but in control of depth of field the one thing a smart phone can’t do.
(Also timing: horses crossing river, and rider swinging rope examples.)
Daniel Milnor sticks with 35 and 50 so perspective stays the same from photo to photo and documentaries that are meant to be viewed as a group of photos. If you have a 35 Quave your second land should be a 50 or an 85/90 equivalent.
Would you often be able to take as good a picture with your smartphone? Absolutely; that’s not the point. If you care about making images, the process is more fun and engaging with an actual/dedicated camera. That’s the point (of photography).
Image Galleries

2022-08: UK & Germany
Fall holiday in Europe including a visit to The Silverstone Classic, walking Hadrian’s Wall, a history tour of southern Germany, and a visit to HMS Belfast.